ⓘ Email the Research Data Services team at tul-rds@temple.edu with any questions or concerns. |
Data Policy
As part of Temple University Libraries Research Data Management services, consultation services are available to help guide TUScholarShare data depositors. The Research Data Services (RDS) team provides guidance on the format and structure of datasets to aid long-term access, discovery, and reuse. Data deposits must be under 5 GB total for each deposit. Contact RDS at tul-rds@temple.edu to request a consultation or if you have any questions about depositing your data in TUScholarShare. 
Data Definition
TUScholarShare recognizes that disciplines across the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences define data in different ways. TUScholarShare accepts data that were developed in support of research activities by Temple faculty, staff, and students, appropriate to each discipline. If you want to deposit documentation for your research project without data, please use the Quick Deposit Form.
Need for Descriptive Data
Deposits must include appropriate and sufficient documentation and metadata to enable others to find, access, trust, understand, and reuse the data. All data deposits are curated to ensure that provided documentation is sufficient to enable reuse, and curators may request additional information or clarification from depositors.
In addition to filling out the Data Deposit Form, a README file is required to accompany all data files and datasets.
Data Privacy & Confidentiality
Depositors are required to abide by all Temple University policies relating to confidential and sensitive information and data classifications. TUScholarShare does not accept submissions that contain any sensitive personally identifiable information as defined by the National Archives, or otherwise infringes on the privacy or confidentiality rights of individuals. In addition, depositors are responsible for ensuring that re-identification of any subjects is not possible. Depositors must ensure that any human participants were properly consented and informed of data sharing and deposit. For additional information, please see the Withdrawal Policy. 
Licensing Your Deposit
All TUScholarShare depositors must agree to the repository’s deposit license terms and apply a license of their choice. Different licenses can be applied to separate files of the same deposit by making those licenses clear and explicit in the README. To increase the reusability of data deposits, we encourage the use of Creative Commons licenses when possible. Learn more about Creative Commons here, and use their Choose a License tool. Depositors may choose whatever license is best for them, including the All Rights Reserved option.
User Norms & Code of Conduct
Depositors and researchers using TUScholarShare are expected to abide by all Temple University policies and policies governing other deposits into TUScholarShare. Users are expected to not make any attempt to re-identify any de-identified anonymized or redacted data, or otherwise violate the privacy or confidentiality rights of individuals described in the data.
Embargoes on data deposits are allowed for up to two years, but all deposits are made public after the embargo period ends. Please see the TUScholarShare Access and Use Policy for more information.
As per the TUScholarShare Deposit License, copyright holders retain their copyright for all data deposits. For any questions relating to copyright, please see that license and policy. 
Recommended Dataset Formats
Data submission in a file format listed below is strongly encouraged. The open formats have an asterisk next to them.
Dataset Formats | File Extensions |
*JavaScript Object Notation | .json |
*Comma Separated Values | .csv |
*Tab Separated Values | .tsv |
Geography Markup Language | .gml |
Keyhole Markup Language | .kml, .kmz |
*GeoJSON | .geojson |
Shapefile | .shp |
*WebARChive | .warc |
How to Deposit Data
Depositing data presents some unique opportunities to help future researchers, and some unique challenges. See below for some guidance in depositing your data.
Data Deposit Video
This video gives a brief overview of the deposit process.
Deposit Checklist
- You must be a Temple University affiliate or be sponsored by Temple to contribute work.
- The entire dataset cannot exceed 5 GB. Contact tul-rds@temple.edu if you need to deposit larger files than this and we will work with you to find an alternative repository.
- If you are new to TUScholarShare, we recommend you review our Policies.
- Review the TUScholarShare Deposit License, and make sure your work is free from any restrictions (see our full Deposit Requirements). Consider whether you want to use the Creative Commons licensing model for your work.
- For assistance in making a data deposit, please contact Temple University Libraries Research Data Services (RDS) team at tul-rds@temple.edu to schedule a consultation.
- Data Deposits will be curated by the RDS team, and delays in data curation may occur if we receive a large number of data deposits at one time, thank you for your patience.
Data Deposit Form
To deposit a single dataset, please use the Data Deposit Form.
- Fill out your name and email address, which we will use to follow up with you. Also include your affiliation with Temple.
- Fill in all sections of the form that are applicable to your dataset. Good metadata will make your dataset more findable and useful. For help, see the Metadata Guidelines.
- The author/copyright holder of any work deposited to TUScholarShare retains copyright to the work. To let others know how they can reuse your work, consider selecting a Creative Commons license.
- (Optional) If the dataset being deposited has been previously published, use the Open Policy Finder tool to help you determine your work’s copyright status and if there may be restrictions (e.g., an embargo period, or a publisher’s statement which must be included).
- Read and agree to the TUScholarShare Deposit License.
- Drop off your file(s) for deposit to tul-rds@temple.edu via TUsafesend (see our Recommended Dataset Formats). NOTE: The entire dataset cannot exceed 5 GB. Contact tul-rds@temple.edu if you need to deposit larger files than this and we will work with you to find an alternative repository.
- Upload a README document to provide context and a guide to understanding your dataset. For help, see the README Instructions.
- Click Submit to complete the deposit.
- You will be notified by TUScholarShare staff when your work has been curated and deposited. The Research Data Services team will contact you if any additional information is needed to complete the deposit.  
DMP Boilerplate Language
If appropriate for your data, use this boilerplate language in your data management plan (DMP). It provides information about the services provided by the Temple University Libraries for continuing preservation of, and access to, research data.
Research data generated by the project will be supported by TUScholarShare (https://scholarshare.temple.edu/), the institutional repository for Temple University. This is a repository service that is managed by the Temple University Libraries and uses Open Repository, an enhanced DSpace platform that is hosted by Atmire. TUScholarShare has been developed with the intent of helping researchers comply with grant-funding agency requirements. It enables dissemination and long-term preservation and curation (management, use, and re-use) of data.
Researchers will work with the University Libraries Research Data Management Services staff to facilitate the deposit of data into TUScholarShare, and to ensure appropriate metadata and complete documentation of the data to maximize the ability to understand and reuse the data. The data will be published in TUScholarShare for long-term preservation, using services such as file format migration where possible, persistent identifiers (DOIs), persistent Web addresses (handles), and checksums.
TUScholarShare data resides in two locations, a local Isilon storage system and an off-site cloud-based service, Open Repository. Open Repository’s AWS cloud storage service provides extended infrastructure, which includes a production server, test server, fallback servers, data backups, and full system backups.
Metadata Guidelines
Depositing data to TUScholarShare requires a minimum set of depositor-supplied descriptive information (or metadata). The metadata elements below are collected in TUScholarShare to facilitate search and retrieval of your data once deposited. These guidelines are enforced in the TUScholarShare Data Deposit Form and may or may not be applicable to all submitted data.
Title of Dataset
Use | Required |
Description | The title of the dataset. |
Notes/Best Practices |
Example | Sinkhole Data in Philadelphia from the 20th and 21st Centuries |
Use | Required |
Description | The name of the person(s), institution(s), group(s), or agency primarily responsible for creating this dataset. |
Notes/Best Practices |
Example |
Collection Period
Use | Required |
Description | The time period over which the dataset was collected. |
Notes/Best Practices |
Example | 2010-2012 |
Coverage Dates of Data
Use | Required |
Description | The time period that the data within the dataset covers. |
Notes/Best Practices |
Example | 1953-1957 |
Use | Required |
Description | Provide a summary or account of the content of the dataset. |
Notes/Best Practices |
Example | This dataset includes a data file (.csv), a visualization, and the code to create the visualization in R, supporting the article A Sinking Feeling: Sinkholes and the City published in Sinkholes Quarterly, Issue II, Volume V, 2020. The visualization displays data about different sinkholes and the data file contains information about sinkholes in Philadelphia, including their location, date of appearance, relation to water sources, and other pertinent information collected by the PIs. |
Use | Optional |
Description | Provide the abstract of the published research that this dataset supports. |
Notes/Best Practices | Use only if the dataset being deposited to TUScholarShare is cited by or used by a published paper, including those deposited in TUScholarShare. |
Example | In this article our research team examines the history of sinkholes in Philadelphia, how the appearance of sinkholes is related to previous infrastructure decisions, how the number of sinkholes has increased in the 21st century, and some possible remedies. While residents and visitors to Philadelphia go about their daily lives, a largely unseen but important series of interconnected and intricate systems move water from purification centers to homes, runoff from store drains to rivers, and carry waste away. |
DOI of Paper Data Supports
Use | Optional |
Description | Provide the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the published research that this dataset supports. |
Notes/Best Practices |
Example | https://doi.org/10.7202/017855ar |
Data Format(s)
Use | Required |
Description | Specify the format of your dataset.  |
Notes/Best Practices | Check all that apply. |
Example |
README Instructions
In order to catalog and preserve your data for future reuse and study, we require that all data deposits include a README document. Start by downloading this template, then write your README as a plain text file and include it with your data deposit.
NOTE: There is some overlap between fields in the README and fields on the Data Deposit Form, so make sure those fields are the same in both instances.
General Information
- Provide a title for the dataset
- Include all author information for contact purposes
- For institutional authors, the Name and Institution fields may be the same or the Name field may refer to a School, Department or other organization within the institution.
- For the Address field, use the Institution’s address, not a personal address.
- See what an ORCID iD can do for you.
- Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date)
- This will be the same as the Collection Period field and refers to the time period over which the dataset was collected.
- In the case of a curated, or otherwise modified, pre-existing dataset(s), list the dates over which the author(s) compiled, curated, and modified the dataset. For example, if the author(s) worked from 2010-2012 on curating and transforming geologic mapping data from 1953-1957, the Collection Period would be 2010-2012.
- Information about the geographic location(s) where the data was collected or generated
- List all funding sources and amounts that supported the data collection
Sharing/Access Information
- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data or limitations of reuse
- This is similar to the Rights field.
- Note the license and any restrictions on the dataset.
- Recommended citation for the data (see how to cite your data)
- Citation for and links to publications that cite or use the data
- Provide the citation and links (DOIs if possible) for publications that cite or use this dataset.
- If you are depositing a paper that uses the dataset in TUScholarShare, use its DOI.
- Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data
- Links/relationships to ancillary or related datasets
- If this dataset was derived from another dataset, based on another dataset, or other datasets were derived from it, provide links and information about the relationship to this dataset.
- Was data derived from another source?
- If yes, list source(s) - provide a lit and contextual information about the dataset(s) that this dataset was derived from.
Data & File Overview
- List and describe all files included in the dataset
- If applicable, note the relationship between files
- For example, if a CSV was derived from a raw data file, or if a file containing code was used to transform another file.
- Are there multiple versions of the dataset?
- Note any other versions of the dataset that are available in TUScholarShare, in other repositories, or if the current dataset is a newer version of an existing dataset.
- Note what files were changed and when. 
Methodological Information
- Describe how the data in this dataset were collected and/ or generated
- Include links or references to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used in data collection.
- Describe how the submitted data were generated from the raw or collected data
- For example, was the data transformed or analyzed in any way?
- List any software- or instrument-specific information needed to interpret the data, including software and hardware version numbers
- If appropriate, list standards and calibration for equipment used to collect data
- Describe the environmental/ experimental conditions during which the data were collected
- Provide information about quality-assurance procedures performed on the data
- List the people involved in the above processes (sample collection, processing, analysis and/ or submission)
Data-Specific Information
*Repeat these sections for each applicable data file, code file, and visualization. If you have questions, please contact tul-rds@temple.edu
Last updated: March 2025