How to Deposit

ⓘ Email the TUScholarShare team at with any questions or concerns. 

How to Deposit

Contributing content to TUScholarShare is quick and easy. We provide a variety of services to support you and your scholarship, and we will deposit your work on your behalf.  

NOTE: Do not register for an account or attempt to login to TUScholarShare with your Temple AccessNet credentials to deposit work. User accounts are for Library staff only. Any unauthorized accounts will be deleted. 

Deposit Checklist

  • You must be a Temple University affiliate or be sponsored by Temple to contribute work.
  • Review the TUScholarShare Deposit License, and make sure your work is free from any restrictions (see our full Deposit Requirements). Consider whether you want to use the Creative Commons licensing model for your work.  
  • Determine the best method for depositing your work by selecting one of the deposit services listed below.
  • (Optional) If you are new to TUScholarShare, we recommend you review our Policies and the following sections of our Help for Depositors page.
  • (Optional) If you are depositing data, we recommend you visit our Data Deposit page. 

Quick Deposit Form

To deposit a single work in the repository, please use the Quick Deposit Form.  

  1. Fill in your contact information. We will use this to contact you if we have any questions, and to notify you when your work has been deposited.
  2. Fill in the form fields. The more complete your description, the more discoverable your work will be. For advice on describing your content, see our Metadata Guidelines.
  3. The author/copyright holder of any work deposited to TUScholarShare retains copyright to the work. To let others know how they can reuse your work, consider selecting a Creative Commons license.
  4. (Optional) If the work being deposited has been previously published, use the Open Policy Finder tool to help you determine your work’s copyright status and if there may be restrictions (e.g., which version of the paper you may submit, an embargo period, or a publisher’s statement which must be included).
  5. Drop-off your file(s) for deposit to via TUsafesend. See our list of Recommended File Formats.
  6. Read and agree to the TUScholarShare Deposit License.
  7. (Optional) Include additional comments/notes about the deposit.
  8. Click Submit to complete the deposit.

You will be notified by TUScholarShare staff in 1-2 business days when your work has been reviewed and deposited. 

CV Review

If you have published a large number of works, we suggest you place a CV Review Request. At your request, TUScholarShare staff will review your CV or a list of publications, determine copyright/permissions for every work, and deposit permitted materials to TUScholarShare on your behalf.  

  • When we already have permission, then we will deposit the works to TUScholarShare on your behalf. For others, you will need to provide us with appropriate versions of the texts (either pre-prints or post-prints). In those cases, we will contact you with specific requests. Some works may not be eligible for deposit due to publisher copyright/permissions.
  • Please allow 3-4 weeks for TUScholarShare staff to complete the review process.  

Data Deposit Form

To deposit a single dataset, please use the Data Deposit Form. Visit the Data Deposit page for more information on how to deposit data.

  1. Fill out your name and email address, which we will use to follow up with you. Also include your affiliation with Temple.
  2. Fill in all sections of the form that are applicable to your dataset. Good metadata will make your dataset more findable and useful. For help, see the Metadata Guidelines.
  3. The author/copyright holder of any work deposited to TUScholarShare retains copyright to the work. To let others know how they can reuse your work, consider selecting a Creative Commons license.
  4. (Optional) If the dataset being deposited has been previously published, use the Open Policy Finder tool to help you determine your work’s copyright status and if there may be restrictions (e.g., an embargo period, or a publisher’s statement which must be included).
  5. Read and agree to the TUScholarShare Deposit License.
  6. Drop off your file(s) for deposit to via TUsafesend (see our Recommended Dataset Formats). NOTE: The entire dataset cannot exceed 5 GB. Contact if you need to deposit larger files than this and we will work with you to find an alternative repository.
  7. Upload a README document to provide context and a guide to understanding your dataset. For help, see the README Instructions.
  8. Click Submit to complete the deposit.

You will be notified by TUScholarShare staff when your work has been curated and deposited. The Research Data Services team will contact you if any additional information is needed to complete the deposit.

Large Collections with Multiple Creators

If you would like to contribute content on behalf of a Temple University department or unit, we suggest you contact the TUScholarShare Administrator to schedule a consultation to determine if batch deposit is appropriate.  

  • We will work with you to discuss your specific needs, determine the best workflow for depositing your content, and outline what preparatory work is required for deposit.  
  • We will provide a metadata template (spreadsheet) to be completed by a designated collection coordinator.
  • The collection coordinator will transfer the completed metadata template and files for deposit to TUScholarShare staff.
  • TUScholarShare staff will review the metadata and deposit the files. If providing access to your content is time-sensitive, please notify staff in advance.  

Copyright & Intellectual Property Rights

Depositors grant TUScholarShare the non-exclusive right to distribute worldwide and preserve the deposited content. The copyright holder of any work submitted to TUScholarShare retains copyright to the work. The non-exclusive deposit license preserves the creator's right to submit additional copies elsewhere. All permission requests should be directed to the individual author(s) or the stated holder(s) of copyright.  

Copyright holders are encouraged to consider using the Creative Commons Licensing Model. As an alternative to conventional copyright, it allows the creator to define a spectrum of usage rights between full copyright with all rights reserved and public domain with no rights reserved. Please contact the TUScholarShare Administrator with any questions.  

Metadata Guidelines

Depositing works to TUScholarShare requires a minimum set of depositor-supplied descriptive information (or metadata). The metadata elements below are collected in TUScholarShare to increase the discoverability of a work. These guidelines are enforced in the TUScholarShare Quick Deposit Form, and may or may not be applicable to all submitted works. 


DescriptionThe type/genre that best fits the work. This describes what the work is, as opposed to what it is about. 
Notes/Best Practices
  • Select one option from the variable list.
  • If none of the options best describes the work, select the ‘Other’ option.
ExampleJournal article


DescriptionThe name of the person(s), institution, group, or agent primarily responsible for making the work. 
Notes/Best Practices
  • Enter author names in the order in which they should be displayed.
  • If a center, group, or organization created the work, enter the name in full.
  • Add one author per line, using the plus sign (+) button for entries.
  • Authors may be removed using the minus sign (-) button. 
  • Smith, John J.  
  • Temple Materials Institute 


DescriptionA name given to the work.
Notes/Best Practices
  • If a formal title does not exist, create a contrived title that succinctly describes the work.
  • Avoid using file names (e.g., FinalDraft_Smith.pdf) or general content descriptions (e.g., Book Chapter).
  • Critical data studies: An introduction
  • Syllabus: Public Relations Theory, PR 2701 (Fall 2019) 


DescriptionA single date indicating when the work was created or published. 
Notes/Best Practices
  • “Year” must be entered.
  • Use the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  • If the work has been previously published, enter the date of publication.
  • If TUScholarShare is the first means of distribution of this work, enter the date of submission. 
  • 2019-03-25
  • 2011


DescriptionA summary or account of the content of the work. This may include, but is not limited to, an abstract or free-text account of the work. 
Notes/Best Practices
  • Summarize the work in one or two sentences.
  • If the work has supplementary materials, enter this information here. 
ExampleA paper presented at the Library Assessment Conference, which took place August 4-7, 2008, in Seattle, WA.

DOI (related)

DescriptionThe Digital Object Identifier (DOI) assigned to the work by its publisher or a separate source from TUScholarShare. 
Notes/Best Practices
  • Use only if the work being deposited to TUScholarShare has been previously published and has an existing DOI from another entity.
  • Enter the full URL (include https://). 


DescriptionRights or licenses held in and over the resource; a human-readable label for or Creative Commons URIs. 
Notes/Best Practices
  • If the work has been previously published, check the Open Policy Finder tool to help you determine your work’s copyright status and if there may be restrictions.
  • The ‘All Rights Reserved’ option will still enable your work to be freely available to the public.  
  • CC-BY: Attribution
  • All Rights Reserved 

Recommended File Formats

TUScholarShare accepts work in any digital format; however, submission in a file format listed below is strongly encouraged and the open formats have an asterisk. The formats listed below are considered relatively stable and therefore facilitate long-term preservation efforts. These formats exhibit all or many of the following characteristics: open documentation; support across a range of software platforms; wide adoption; no compression (or lossless compression); no embedded files or embedded programs/scripts; and non-proprietary format.  

For additional information please see the Preservation Policy or the Library of Congress’ Recommended File Formats. For more guidance, contact the TUScholarShare Administrator. 

Textual FormatsFile Extensions
*Adobe Acrobat PDF/A.pdf
*Comma Separated Values.csv
*Open Office Formats.odt, .ods, .odp
*Plain Text (US-ASCII, UTF-8).txt
*XML.xml, .html
Image/Graphic FormatsFile Extensions
*SVG 1.1 (no Java binding).svg
TIFF.tif, .tiff
2D/3D FormatsFile Extensions
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine.dcm
3D Objects.obj
3D Printing.stl
Material file accompanying OBJ.mtl
Digital Asset File (Including color info).dae
Autodesk Models with assets.fbx
CAD.dwg, .dxf, .step, .iges, .ifc
Audio FormatsFile Extensions
AIFF.aif, .aiff
Video FormatsFile Extensions
AVI (uncompressed).avi
Motion JPEG2000.mj2, .mjp2
ScriptsFile Extensions



Last updated: March 2025