General Questions:
What is an institutional repository?
An institutional repository (IR) is a digital archive for compiling, storing and sharing an institution’s academic and research output. TUScholarShare is Temple’s institutional repository.
Do I have to register an account or login to be able to use TUScholarShare or deposit content?
As part of our service, TUScholarShare staff will deposit your work on your behalf when you select one of our deposit services.
TUScholarShare’s deposit forms and content are freely accessible to anyone on the World Wide Web, so you do not need a user account or to log in. Users may download and use works in TUScholarShare in any manner consistent with fair use, as per the license terms and conditions chosen by the copyright owner.
How long before my work is available in the repository?
Deposits via the Quick Deposit Form will usually be available in the repository within 1-2 business days of receipt. If you place a CV Review Request, please allow 3-4 weeks for TUScholarShare staff to complete the review process.
What is ORCID?
The Open Researcher and Contributor ID or ORCID iD is a way for scholars to uniquely identify themselves and their work from others, differentiating you from others with similar names and research. It allows repositories and databases to let users easily access all the work of one author. We encourage all Temple researchers to register for an ORCID iD at For more information, visit the ORCID guide.
If you have an ORCID iD, TUScholarShare will display your ORCID iD badge next to your name as author of the work.
How do I search for and access works deposited in TUScholarShare?
TUScholarShare allows users to search for works or browse through collections. It includes a search feature that allows users to look for items by author, title, date or subject. TUScholarShare is also indexed by leading search engines and metadata aggregators, such as Google Scholar.
How do I get a DOI for my publication?
TUScholarShare will assign a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to all deposited works. Journal article DOIs that have already been assigned by the publisher will be included in the article’s record in the repository.
Do I need my co-authors' permission to deposit a work to TUScholarShare?
According to U.S. copyright law each joint author can grant permission to copy and distribute their work. However, we suggest that authors consult with their co-authors before submitting to TUScholarShare.
Can I deposit work that I created before my affiliation with Temple? What happens to my work in TUScholarShare if I leave Temple?
You may deposit work to TUScholarShare that you created before your affiliation with Temple if you hold the copyright to the work. The repository does not remove works once deposited.
If I deposit work to TUScholarShare, can I also have it elsewhere online?
Yes! The TUScholarShare deposit license gives the Library permission to distribute your work(s) online and preserves the creator’s right to submit additional copies elsewhere.
Who owns the copyright to content in TUScholarShare?
Copyright ownership belongs to the author of the work submitted, unless they have transferred those rights. TUScholarShare only has a non-exclusionary right to preserve and distribute the work. All content in TUScholarShare is protected by the copyright laws of the United States.
Can I deposit an already published or soon to be published article to TUScholarShare?
To check if you may deposit your article to TUScholarShare, you can consult your agreement, the publisher’s website, or the Open Policy Finder tool, a searchable database of many publishers’ open access and institutional repository policies.
Most publishers have policies that allow for versions of an author’s work to be used on a personal website or in an institutional or subject-based repository. This is also called self-archiving. Generally, publishers do not allow for the version of record (also known as the publisher’s PDF) to be shared. Authors must deposit a pre-print or post-print instead.
My publisher policy will only allow me to deposit a pre-print or post-print to TUScholarShare. How are pre-print and post-print defined?
A pre-print refers to the original version of your manuscript, prior to editing and acceptance to a journal. It has gone through a formal peer review.
A post-print, also known as the Accepted Author Manuscript, refers to the final version accepted by a journal but without the formatting and final tweaks made for the published form.
The publisher’s PDF or version of record is the version of the manuscript published in a journal with the journal’s formatting and branding.
What is Creative Commons?
Creative Commons is a global non-profit organization that recognizes the need for creators to have the ability to define how others may use and share their work. Their website offers a Licensing Model that can be easily assigned to a creator’s work based on their preferences. Every CC license applies worldwide, lasts for the duration of the work’s copyright, is non-revocable, and is not exclusive.
The deposit process for TUScholarShare incorporates Creative Commons license selection as an optional benefit to depositors. Visit Creative Commons for more information.
Last updated: March 2025