TUScholarShare will be undergoing an upgrade from February 17th – March 4th, 2025. During this time, content in the repository will still be accessible for viewing and downloading, but no new content will be deposited to the repository. All deposit forms will remain functional and new content will continue to be accepted. However, new content submitted for deposit during this time will not be made live in the repository until the upgrade has been completed. If you have any questions, please contact scholarshare@temple.edu.



TUScholarShare is a service to support the needs of the Temple University community around sharing, promoting, and archiving the wide range of scholarly works created in the course of research and teaching. The repository aims to make Temple scholarship freely available online to a global audience, with the goal of advancing knowledge and learning.




Depositing your work to TUScholarShare is as simple as selecting one of the options above. We provide a variety of services to support you and your scholarship, and we will deposit your work on your behalf. Visit our Help for Depositors page to learn more. 

Do not register an account/login to deposit work or use materials in TUScholarShare.



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