First Measurements of the Double-Polarization Observables F, P, and H in ω Photoproduction off Transversely Polarized Protons in the N∗ Resonance Region
Roy, PPark, S
Crede, V
Anisovich, AV
Klempt, E
Nikonov, VA
Sarantsev, AV
Wei, NC
Huang, F
Nakayama, K
Adhikari, KP
Adhikari, S
Angelini, G
Avakian, H
Barion, L
Battaglieri, M
Bedlinskiy, I
Biselli, AS
Boiarinov, S
Briscoe, WJ
Brock, J
Brooks, WK
Burkert, VD
Cao, F
Carlin, C
Carman, DS
Celentano, A
Chatagnon, P
Chetry, T
Ciullo, G
Cole, PL
Contalbrigo, M
Cortes, O
D'Angelo, A
Dashyan, N
De Vita, R
De Sanctis, E
Deur, A
Diehl, S
Djalali, C
Dugger, M
Dupre, R
Duran, B
Egiyan, H
Ehrhart, M
El Alaoui, A
El Fassi, L
Eugenio, P
Fegan, S
Filippi, A
Fradi, A
Gilfoyle, GP
Girod, FX
Golovatch, E
Gothe, RW
Griffioen, KA
Guidal, M
Guo, L
Hafidi, K
Hanretty, C
Harrison, N
Hattawy, M
Hayward, TB
Heddle, D
Hicks, K
Holtrop, M
Ilieva, Y
Ireland, DG
Ishkhanov, BS
Isupov, EL
Jenkins, D
Jo, HS
Johnston, S
Joosten, S
Kabir, ML
Keith, CD
Keller, D
Khachatryan, G
Khachatryan, M
Khanal, A
Khandaker, M
Kim, A
Kim, W
Klein, FJ
Kubarovsky, V
Kuleshov, SV
Kunkel, MC
Lanza, L
Lenisa, P
Livingston, K
MacGregor, IJD
Marchand, D
McKinnon, B
Meekins, DG
Meyer, CA
Mineeva, T
Mokeev, V
Montgomery, RA
Movsisyan, A
Munoz Camacho, C
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© 2019 American Physical Society. First measurements of double-polarization observables in ω photoproduction off the proton are presented using transverse target polarization and data from the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) FROST experiment at Jefferson Lab. The beam-target asymmetry F has been measured using circularly polarized, tagged photons in the energy range 1200-2700 MeV, and the beam-target asymmetries H and P have been measured using linearly polarized, tagged photons in the energy range 1200-2000 MeV. These measurements significantly increase the database on polarization observables. The results are included in two partial-wave analyses and reveal significant contributions from several nucleon (N∗) resonances. In particular, contributions from new N∗ resonances listed in the Review of Particle Properties are observed, which aid in reaching the goal of mapping out the nucleon resonance spectrum.Citation to related work
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