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Toxic metals and pediatric clinical immune dysfunction: A systematic review of the epidemiological evidence

Sinclair, Krystin Sinclair
Spiegel, Nitzana
Habel, Sonia
Committee member
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
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Background: Children are at high risk for exposure to toxic metals and are vulnerable to their effects. Significant research has been conducted evaluating the role of these metals on immune dysfunction, characterized by biologic and clinical outcomes. However, there are inconsistencies in these studies. The objective of the present review is to critically evaluate the existing literature on the association between toxic metals (lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium) and pediatric immune dysfunction. Methods: Seven databases (PubMed (NLM), Embase (Elsevier), CINAHL (Ebsco), Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), ProQuest Public Health Database, and ProQuest Environmental Science Collection) were searched following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines in February 2024. Rayaan software identified duplicates and screened by title and abstract in a blinded and independent review process. The remaining full texts were reviewed for content and summarized. Exclusions during the title, abstract, and full-text reviews included: 1) not original research, 2) not epidemiology, 3) did not include toxic metals, 4) did not examine an immune health outcome, or 5) not pediatric (>18 years). This systematic review protocol followed the PRISMA guidelines. Rayaan was used to screen records using title and abstract by two blinded and independent reviewers. This process was repeated for full-text article screening selection. Results: The search criteria produced 7906 search results; 2456 duplicate articles were removed across search engines. In the final review, 79 studies were included which evaluated the association between toxic metals and outcomes indicative of pediatric immune dysregulation. Conclusions: The existing literature suggests an association between toxic metals and pediatric immune dysregulation. Given the imminent threat of infectious diseases demonstrated by the recent COVID-19 epidemic in addition to increases in allergic disease, understanding how ubiquitous exposure to these metals in early life can impact immune response, infection risk, and vaccine response is imperative.
Oktapodas, F. M., Kulick, E. R., Sinclair, K. S., Spiegel, N., Habel, S., & Given Castello, O. 2024. Toxic metals and pediatric clinical immune dysfunction: A systematic review of the epidemiological evidence. Sci. Total Environ. 927. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.172303
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Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 927
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