2024-12-182024-12-182023-01-31Boukes, Mark and LaMarre, Heather L.. "Satire without borders: the age-moderated effect of one-sided versus two-sided satire on hedonic experiences and patriotism" HUMOR, vol. 36, no. 1, 2023, pp. 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1515/humor-2022-00471613-37220933-1719http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12613/10891The differential satire effects across domestic and foreign audiences are largely unknown; yet, this is of growing relevance as political satire increasingly reaches international audiences. A two-country experiment was conducted in which satirical stimuli from the Netherlands with either a one-sided (only targeting the United States) or two-sided humorous message (targeting both the U.S. and the Netherlands) was presented to a domestic (in-group) or foreign (out-group) audience. Specifically, this study examines political satire’s differential emotional and attitudinal impact on audiences located in the country-of-production (Netherlands) or abroad (U.S.). Results show that satire sidedness uniformly influenced hedonic enjoyment: compared to two-sided satire, one-sided satire elicited negative emotions and decreased positive emotions for both the in-group (Dutch) and the out-group (U.S.) audience. Yet, satire differentially affected patriotic attitudes. This effect was moderated by country and age: younger U.S. citizens became less patriotic after exposure to the one-sided satire that targeted their country and decreased their positive emotions; older U.S. citizens, in contrast, became more patriotic after exposure to this one-sided satire that particularly increased their negative emotions. The Dutch audience’s level of patriotism remained stable irrespective of satire sidedness. Altogether, this study demonstrates how humor type, country-of-reception, and age matter for satire effects.24 pagesengAttribution CC BYhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Comparative analysisEmotionsExperimentHedonic enjoymentOne-sided versus two-sided humorPatriotismSatireSatire without borders: the age-moderated effect of one-sided versus two-sided satire on hedonic experiences and patriotismText