2023-11-062023-11-062022-10-20Short Hutyra, S. & Manni, K. (2022, Oct 20). Sustainability and Education Abroad: Sharing Ideas--Taking Action!. Presented at the 2022 NASFA Region II Conference, Flagstaff, AZ.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12613/9171Presented at the 2022 NASFA Region II Conference, which took place October 17-21, 2022, in Flagstaff, AZ.Sustainability is a critical focus for international educators, but knowing how to get started or how to make progress on sustainability initiatives can be challenging. The presenters will provide examples of strategies implemented to incorporate sustainability goals into all areas of education abroad program development and execution as well as office management and practices. Participants will be engaged in brainstorming project plans for their office, program, and/or institution.12 pagesengAll Rights ReservedForeign studySustainable developmentSustainability and Education Abroad: Sharing Ideas--Taking Action!Text