2023-03-062023-03-062023-03-17Given Castello, O. & Sipes, J. (2023 Mar). Get Help Finding a Digital Copy: A pandemic response becomes the new normal. Poster presented at the Association of College & Research Libraries conference: ACRL 2023: Forging the Future, Pittsburgh, PA.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12613/8375Poster presented at the Association of College & Research Libraries conference: ACRL 2023: Forging the Future, March 14-18, Pittsburgh, PA.Our large, urban research university serves a sizeable, diverse community and is open to all. Library building closures in the early stages of the pandemic challenged us to maintain a comparable degree of openness and access virtually. We saw an opportunity to enhance our virtual reference services and keep the library "open" even when our buildings were closed. Since access to our physical collections was suddenly cut off, we established a new Get Help Finding a Digital Copy service that connected patrons to librarians working from home who could help them find digital copies of inaccessible physical items. Our crisis response became part of our permanent virtual reference services and ultimately improved the user experience of our library catalog. This poster will describe the service and present data illustrating how we meet patron needs and keep staff-patron relationships engaged during times of potential disconnection and disengagement. Learning Outcomes: Participants will learn how to enhance traditional email reference services by adding a focus on finding digital copies of inaccessible or inconveniently accessible physical materials. Participants will identify ways of deploying virtual reference technologies already in use at many libraries to facilitate access to their resources, even when buildings are closed, or patrons and staff are at a distance. Participants will learn techniques for helping virtual reference staff adapt to increased request volume and remote work conditions.1 pageengAll Rights ReservedPoster presentationsAcademic libraries--ServicesCOVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-Get Help Finding a Digital Copy: A pandemic response becomes the new normalText