2023-10-032023-10-032023Snyder, S. E. (2023). A Developmental Systems Guide for Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Practitioners. North Broad Press. https://doi.org/10.34944/QYFB-3B52Paperback|9781439921272Ebook|9781439921289http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12613/9069A Developmental Systems Guide for Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Practitioners provides clinicians with actionable evidence-based practices for the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of child and adolescent mental and behavioral health. This approach combines developmental psychology and ecological systems in recognition of the fact that children’s developmental challenges, tasks, and capacities intersect with the risks and protective factors of their environment. Chapters feature detailed case studies and conclude with conversations with clinicians in which they share targeted recommendations for patient evaluation, treatment approaches, and family engagement and support.544 pagesengAttribution CC BYhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Child mental healthChild mental health servicesTeenagers — Mental healthTeenagers — Mental health servicesChild psychology — Case studiesA Developmental Systems Guide for Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health PractitionersText