2025-02-032025-02-032024Marshall, Peter. Syllabus for Neuroscience of Development and Aging. Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Temple U, Philadelphia, Fall 2024.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12613/10956This course will integrate students' knowledge of behavioral and cognitive relationships between young adult neuroanatomy and behavior that they studied in prerequisite courses with information about neurodegenerative diseases of old age, and the cognitive and behavioral consequences of both normal and non-normal aging.8 pagesengAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SAhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0Cognitive neuroscienceDevelopmental neurobiologyAgingSyllabus: Neuroscience of Development and Aging, PSY 3306 (Fall 2024)Text