Nursing Research: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 88
Emotional Responses of Nurses Caring for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder: An Integrative ReviewPatients with OUD are often faced with unique healthcare challenges compared to other populations, which presents implications for nursing care delivery. This review sought to look at the extent of the behaviors associated with nurses who care for these patients and how these feelings impact nurse wellbeing, patient care, and patient outcomes.
Leveraging Technology for Safety, Communication, and Staff Engagement in the New NormalThe focus of this project is to introduce the use of the Microsoft Teams platform to Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) staff as a secure, hospital-sponsored method of social media communication and education in order for staff to stay connected with thier colleagues.
Implementation of Hourly Rounding in the Emergency Department to Decrease FallsThe purpose of the quality improvement initiative is to decrease falls within the ED by the implementation of consistent hourly rounding to assses patients' nedd for the "4-Ps" (Pain, Potty, Possession and Positioning).
Standardized Patient Simulation to Foster Cultural Awareness Among Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Pilot StudyThe purpose of this quality improvement project is to examine the effect of a standardized patient(SP) simulation on transcultural self-efficacy in undergraduate nursing students.
Assessing Adherence to Enhanced Early Warning Score Assessment on the Transplant UnitThis project aims to optimize the use of RESUE through integration into the nurse's eletronic health record (EHR) and report sheets and implementing a six-hour reassessment with a beside huddle for critical scores.
Implementation of an ED Flow Team to Reduce Patients Leaving Without TreatmentThe purpose of this quality improvement project is to determine if an interdisciplinary , collaborative ED flow team would decrease the number of patients seeking emergency care from leaving the ED by reducing ED boarding times.
Decreasing Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries by Implementing Four-Eyes Assessment on a Step-Down UnitThis quality improvement initiative focuses on implementing the Four-Eyes Assessment . This evidence-based process enhances current assessment practices, resulting in better identification of present on admission wounds (POAs) before these convert to hospital-acquired pressure injuries(HAPIs).
The Covid 19 Pandemic and Alcohol Consumption in Adults 18+ Years Old: What Can We Learn for Future Pandemics?The purpose of this quality improvement project is to review the influence of COVID 19 on rates of binge drinking.
Implementing Nursing Teach Back for Medication Side Effects to Improve Patient SafetyThe purpose of this quality improvement project is to implement the Always Use Teachback! Toolkit to enhance patient safety by increasing the use of teach-back during patient medication education.
Increasing Uptake of Cervical Cancer Screening Through Text MessagingThe purpose of this quality improvement project is to improve rates of CCS among clinic patients through text message invitations to schedule an appointment or to obtain a referral.
Reducing Catheter Insertion Attempts: Implementation of a Difficult Intravenous Access Screening ToolThe purpose of this quality improvement project is to implement the Modified Difficult Intravenous Access Scale for Patients (A-DIVA) screening tool in the CSICU.
Increasing Referral Rates to the Diabetic Educator at Time of Diabetes DiagnosisThe purpose of this quality improvement project is to use an implementation bundle, including a written protocol, referral order panel , audit and feedback to support the ADA guidelines at the clinic .
Improving First Case Start Times in International RadiologyThe purpose of this quality improvement project is to improve first case start times to an 80% successful start time at 0800.
Improved Adherence to Follow-Up Care in the Trauma PatientThe purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Practice (dnp) quality improvwment project is to inplement a structured discharge process for home discharge that includes scheduling appointments, educating on follow-up appointments, post discharge phone calls,and monitoring of patients who miss their appointments inorder to improve adherence to follow-upcare in the trauma population.
Implementation Adherence of Malnutrition Screening on Head and Neck Oncology PatientsThis quality improvement project aims to promote avoidance or early detection of malnutrition among patients with head and neck cancer undergoing radiotherapy alone by implementing a nutritional assessment toll, the Patient -Generated Subjective Global Assessment, into dailyclinic workflow.
Admission Nurse Impact on Patient Throughput for Emergency Department AdmissionsThe purpose of this quality improvement project is to decrease the time from decision to admit to depart through the addition of an "Admission Nurse."
Assessing Adherence to the Apfel Scale in Preventing Postoperative Nausea and VomitingThe purpose of this quality improvement project is to integrate the Apfel scale into the Electronic Health Record (EHR), assess adherence to screening patients for PONV risk using the Apfel scale, administer antiemetics based on the Apfel score, and reduce the incidence of PONV.
Film + Foam= A Bundle of Protection2.5 million patients a year are effected by pressure ulcers, topical dermatitis, skin breakdown and infection; increasing length and cost of stay, death and liability. Skin, the first line of defense and the largest organ in the body is a vital source of protection. Aiding patients in guarding the skin from friction, sheer, and moisture related breakdown is one of the goals in nursing care. In review of journals, articles, and studies, the results show that application of a barrier film reduces damage to the dermis of patients who are at high risk of skin breakdown caused by friction, moisture and immobility.
LVAD Driveline Infection Readmission: Prevention by StandardizationRecurrent driveline infection is the most common readmission diagnosis for patients after being implanted with an LVAD. The literature shows that readmission on post LVAD implantation on average costs $35,000. Our review of literature shows that education and lifestyle changes can decrease the chance of readmission. The literature shows that certain implantation techniques can contribute to decreasing driveline infection.
All Aboard the Antimicrobial StewardSHIPAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, antibiotic resistance is a leading topic in infectious disease control. As a result, the White House in March 2015 has established the National Action plan for Combating Antibiotic resistant Bacteria; this action plan calls for the establishment of antimicrobial stewardship programs in all acute care hospitals by 2020. Evidence shows that in order for a government-led initiative like this to be successful, nurses must engage and contribute to the task force. As nurses are the ones who administer medications, they are antibiotic first responders. According to evidence-based research, the most optimal way to ensure effective nurse participation will be through nursing education on an individual and organizational level. Through the support and engagement of nurses into the interdisciplinary campaign, antimicrobial stewardship can produce optimal outcomes for patients, hospitals, and communities.