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dc.creatorScalia, Peter
dc.creatorElwyn, Glyn
dc.creatorBarr, Paul
dc.creatorSong, Julia
dc.creatorZisman-Ilani, Yaara
dc.creatorLesniak, Monika
dc.creatorMullin, Sarah
dc.creatorKurek, Kryzysztof
dc.creatorBushell, Matt
dc.creatorDurand, Marie-Anne
dc.identifier.citationScalia, P., Elwyn, G., Barr, P., Song, J., Zisman-Ilani, Y., Lesniak, M., Mullin, S., Kurek, K., Bushell, M., & Durand, M.-A. (2018). Exploring the Use of Option Grid™ Patient Decision Aids in a Sample of Clinics in Poland. The Journal of Evidence and Quality in Health Care, 134, 1-8.
dc.description.abstractBackground: Research on the implementation of patient decision aids to facilitate shared decision making in clinical settings has steadily increased across Western countries. A study which implements decision aids and measures their impact on shared decision making has yet to be conducted in the Eastern part of Europe. Objective: To study the use of Option GridTM patient decision aids in a sample of Grupa LUX MED clinics in Warsaw, Poland, and measure their impact on shared decision making. Method: We conducted a pre-post interventional study. Following a three-month period of usual care, clinicians from three Grupa LUX MED clinics received a one-hour training session on how to use three Option GridTM decision aids and were provided with copies for use for four months. Throughout the study, all eligible patients were asked to complete the three-item CollaboRATE patient-reported measure of shared decision making after their clinical encounter. CollaboRATE enables patients to assess the efforts clinicians make to: (i) inform them about their health issues; (ii) listen to ‘what matters most’; (iii) integrate their treatment preference in future plans. A hierarchical logistic regression model was performed to understand which variables had an effect on CollaboRATE. Results: 2,048 patients participated in the baseline phase; 1,889 patients participated in the intervention phase. Five of the thirteen study clinicians had a statistically significant increase in their CollaboRATE scores (p < .05) when comparing baseline phase to intervention phase. All five clinicians were located at the same clinic, the only clinic where an overall increase (non-significant) in the mean CollaboRATE top score percentage occurred from baseline phase (M = 60 %, SD = 0.49; 95 % CI [57-63 %]) to intervention phase (M = 62 %, SD = 0.49; 95% CI [59-65%]). Only three of those five clinicians who had a statistically significant increase had a clinically significant difference. Conclusion: The implementation of Option GridTM helped some clinicians practice shared decision making as reflected in CollaboRATE scores, but most clinicians did not have a significant increase in their scores. Our study indicates that the effect of these interventions may be dependent on clinic contexts and clinician engagement.
dc.format.extent8 pages
dc.relation.ispartofFaculty/ Researcher Works
dc.relation.haspartThe Journal of Evidence and Quality in Health Care, Vol. 134
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
dc.subjectOption grid patient decision aids
dc.subjectEncounter decision aids
dc.subjectShared decision making
dc.titleExploring the Use of Option Grid™ Patient Decision Aids in a Sample of Clinics in Poland
dc.title.alternativeUntersuchung zur Anwendung von Option-Grid™-Entscheidungshilfen für Patienten in polnischen Kliniken
dc.type.genreJournal article
dc.description.departmentSocial and Behavioral Sciences
dc.ada.noteFor Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodation, including help with reading this content, please contact
dc.description.schoolcollegeTemple University. College of Public Health
dc.temple.creatorZisman-Ilani, Yaara

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