Book chapterPre-print
Blundell, JonClark, Jasmine L.
DeVet, Katherine E.
Hardesty, Juliet L.
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The “Metadata Requirements for 3D Data” chapter provides recommendations for metadatai based on the five-stage digital asset lifecycleii. The “Create” section covers some of the principal ways 3D models are created and discusses what metadata can be captured during the creation process. This section looks at not only what metadata could be captured during model creation, but also why capturing that information is important. The “Manage” section covers the metadata needs for organizing, verifying, and providing accessiii to 3D data. Recommendations include grouping files together as much as possible (by 3D object, by collection of objects, and by project) in order to apply organizational metadata that can be used for access and reuse purposes. The Distribution and Publication section discusses the need for a variety of distribution platforms that support the broadly varying metadata needs of different disciplines. Examples include the need for more granular metadata to support reproducibility and privacy in certain fields, as well as concerns around metadata requirements for accessibility for disability more broadly. Though the circulation and access norms for 3D data are still evolving, the Access and Reuse section posits key metadata anticipated to be useful in the discoveryiv and access of 3D data and models for research or reuse. The “Archive” section utilizes PREMIS as a basis for its recommendations. The rapid changes in the tools and platforms that support the creation and utilization of 3D data results in heavier emphasis on metadata that provides context to data that is often no longer supported by the latest technologies. Additional portions of PREMIS that may be of interest to readers are also specified. The chapter ends with an overall table of recommended metadata fields along with future work needed, naming annotation metadata and metadata for accessibility needs as top priorities for standardization and best practice recommendations.Description
Chapter in forthcoming: Moore, Jennifer, Adam Rountrey, and Hannah Scates Kettler. 2022. "3D Data Creation to Curation: Community Standards for 3D Data Preservation." Association of College & Research Libraries.Citation
Blundell, Jon, Clark, Jasmine L., DeVet, Katherine E., and Hardesty, Juliet L. 2020. Metadata Requirements for 3D Data. Manuscript submitted for publication. to related work
Moore, Jennifer, Adam Rountrey, and Hannah Scates Kettler. 2022. “Appendix: Survey 1 Results and Survey 2 Results.” In Chapter 4: Metadata Requirements for 3D Data. 3D Data Creation to Curation: Community Standards for 3D Data Preservation. Association of College & Research Libraries. compliance
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