Research Data: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 93
Healthcare experiences of sexual and gender minoritized people with intellectual and developmental disabilities Scoping Review Search StrategySexual and gender minoritized (SGM) people and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/D) face barriers including but not limited to stigma, discrimination, inadequately trained healthcare providers and unnavigable built environments/infrastructures that result in inadequate experiences receiving healthcare. Extant literature to date that has centered the experiences of these populations to understand healthcare experiences has done so without jointly considering these identities. Thus, there remains a need to understand how interlocking power structures of oppression, including transphobia and ableism, synergize to produce unique barriers to healthcare navigation and access for SGM people with ID/D.
Search Methods for The Goldilocks Procedure: Comparing Complication Rates in High Risk Populations: a systematic reviewThe databases included in this search are [list of databases: PubMed (NLM), Embase (Elsevier),Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate), Science Direct (Elsevier), and CINAHL (Ebscohost) using a combination of keywords and subject headings. A grey literature search included TRIP medical database( All final searches were performed on January 9, 2025 by the librarian and were fully reported on January 9, 2025. The full search strategies as reported by the librarian are provided in Appendix(___). They are also archived at [DOI]. A summary of the search results: PubMed (NLM) from 1809 to 01/09/2025 (28 Results) Embase (Elsevier) from 1974 to 01/09/2025 (33 Results) Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate Analytics) from 1900 to 01/09/2025 (30 Results) Science Direct (Elsevier) from inception to 01/09/2025 (18) CINAHL (EbscoHost) from 1976 to 01/09/2025 (1 Result) TRIP Pro from 1867 to 01/09/2025 (14 results) The search resulted in 124 results. 66 duplicate studies were found and omitted by the librarian [SB] using EndNote 20 and following the following the Wichor method. This resulted in 58 records to screen from databases and websites. Studies were screened by title and abstract by two blinded and independent reviewers. If a tiebreaker was needed, a third reviewer was called in. This process was repeated for full text article screening and article selection.
Pollutants and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Scoping Review Search StrategyTo identify studies to include or consider for this scoping review, the review team worked with a librarian (OGC) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-ScR extension was followed for search reporting. The librarian (OGC) developed the search for PubMed (NLM) and translated the search for every database searched. The PubMed (NLM) search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS checklist).
Influencers of Child, Teen, and Youth Mindsets Scoping Review Search StrategyTo identify studies to include or consider for this scoping review, the review team worked with a librarian (OGC) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-ScR extension was followed for search reporting. The librarian (OGC) developed the search for APA PsycINFO (Ebsco) and translated the search for every database searched. The APA PsycINFO (Ebsco) search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian (Becca Fülöp, Performing Arts Librarian) following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS checklist).
Anal Cancer Quality of Life Research Scoping Review Search StrategyTo identify studies to include or consider for this scoping review, the review team worked with a librarian (OGC) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-ScR extension was followed for search reporting. The librarian (OGC) developed the search for PubMed (NLM) and translated the search for every database searched. The PubMed (NLM) search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS) checklist.
Southeast Asian American Communities Stroke Literature Scoping Review Search StrategyTo identify studies to include or consider for this scoping review, the review team worked with a research librarian (OGC) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-S extension was followed for search reporting. The research librarian (OGC) developed the search for PubMed (NLM) and translated the search for every database searched. The PubMed (NLM) search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy.
Search Methods for Comparative Analysis of The Recurrence Rates in Dupuytren's Contracture: Percutaneous vs. Surgical Management: a systematic reviewTo identify studies to include or consider for this scoping review, the review team worked with a librarian (SB) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-S extension was followed for search reporting. The librarian (SB) developed the search for PubMed (NLM) and translated the search for every database searched. The PubMed (NLM) search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian, Jacob Brintzenhoff, MLIS, following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS checklist).
3D Printing & Plastic Surgery Scoping ReviewTo identify studies to include or consider for this scoping review, the review team worked with a librarian (SB) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-ScR extension was followed for search reporting. The librarian (SB) developed the search for PubMed (NLM) and translated the search for every database searched. The PubMed (NLM) search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian, Rebecca Fülöp, MLIS, PhD, following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS checklist). The databases included in this search are [list of databases: PubMed (NLM), Embase (Elsevier), Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate Analytics), Science Direct (Elsevier), CINAHL (Ebscohost), DOSS Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source (ebscohost) , and Cochrane (Wiley) using a combination of keywords and subject headings. A grey literature search included and Trip Pro Medical Database ( and Medrxiv All final searches were performed on September 11, 2024 by the librarian and were fully reported to the research team on September 13, 2024. The full search strategies as reported by the librarian are provided in Appendix(___). They are also archived at [DOI].
Bronchoscopy in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients Systematic Review Search StrategyTo identify studies to include or consider for this systematic review, the review team worked with a librarian (TN) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-S extension was followed for search reporting. The librarian (TN) developed the search for PubMed (NLM) and translated the search for every database searched. The PubMed (NLM) search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian (SB) following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS checklist). The search was limited by date from 1994 to Present.
PFAS in the Schuylkill RiverThe project aimed to conduct both targeted analyses of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the Schuylkill River. 16 sampling sites were employed to collect data on the occurrence of PFAS along a 50 mile stretch of the river in February, May, and July of 2024. The analysis focused on 40 specific PFAS compounds. All procedures were performed following the US EPA Method 1633, which utilized solid-phase extraction and LC/MC analysis. The data collected in this report indicate the presence of a variety of PFAS compounds at quantifiable levels, with PFBA, 6:2 FTS, PFOA, and PFOS being the most abundant, as found in nearly 100% of the sampling locations. Factors such as population density, proximity to industrial sites, and other pollution sources influence the distribution pattern of these compounds. The factors mentioned above are likely the reason for the increase in the concentrations of targeted PFAS and the number of compounds detected as we move from Pottstown toward the center of Philadelphia. Based on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for PFOA and PFOS health advisory levels, more than 60% of the samples exhibited a medium-risk profile. However, under the 2024 maximum contamination levels proposed by the EPA, an average of 70% of the samples across all locations showed a high-risk profile, with the remaining samples falling into the medium-risk category. While the ability to fully interpret the risks associated with PFAS in river water is limited, a rough estimation of the risk can be made using current drinking water regulations. This assessment is particularly crucial, as the Schuylkill River is a source of drinking water and is utilized by several wastewater and water treatment plants.
Quality of Life After Parathyroidectomy in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease Systematic Review Search StrategyTo identify studies to include or consider for this systematic review, the review team worked with a librarian (TN) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-S extension was followed for search reporting. The librarian (TN) developed the search for PubMed (NLM) and translated the search for every database searched. The PubMed (NLM) search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS checklist).
Search Strategies for a Rapid Review of Surgery, Malpractice, and LitigationTo identify studies to include or consider for this rapid review, the review team worked with a librarian (CE, TN) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA extension was followed for search reporting. The librarian (CE, TN) developed the search for PubMed and translated the search for every database searched. The PubMed search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian (BF) following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS checklist). The search was limited by date from 1994 to present, to English language when available, and to an adult population.
Genetic Ancestry and Its Implications for the Cancer Continuum in Populations of African Ancestry Scoping Review Search StrategyTo identify studies to include or consider for this scoping review, the review team worked with a librarian (TN) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-ScR extension was followed for search reporting. The librarian (TN) developed the search for PubMed (NLM) and translated the search for every database searched. The PubMed (NLM) search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS checklist). The search was limited by date from 2000 to Present and by publication type based on exclusion criteria. The databases included in this search are [list of databases: PubMed (NLM), Embase (Elsevier), Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate Analytics), BIOSIS Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics), and Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ProQuest) using a combination of keywords and subject headings. A grey literature search included The National Comprehensive Cancer Network Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (, Search.bioPreprint (, and Trip Pro Medical Database ( All final searches were performed on May 17, 2024 by the librarian and were fully reported to the research team on May 22, 2024. The full search strategies as reported by the librarian are provided in Appendix(___). They are also archived at [DOI].
Search Strategies for a Scoping Review of TMJ and Manual TherapyTo identify studies to include or consider for this scoping review, the review team worked with a librarian (JB, CE) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-S extension was followed for search reporting. The librarians (JB, CE) developed the search for PubMed (NLM) and translated the search for every database searched. The PubMed (NLM) search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian (Becca Fülöp, MLIS, PhD) following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS checklist). The databases included in this search are PubMed (NLM), Embase (Elsevier), Web of Science (Clarivate), Cochrane Central (Wiley), and Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source (EBSCOhost), using a combination of keywords and subject headings. A grey literature search included a clinical trials registry (, TRIP Pro (https://www-tripdatabase-com), and MedRxiv (
Breast Reconstruction Systematic Review Search StrategyTo identify studies to include or consider for this [review type] review, the review team worked with a librarian (TN]) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-S extension was followed for search reporting. The librarian (TN) developed the search for PubMed (NLM) and translated the search for every database searched. The PubMed (NLM) search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS checklist). The search was limited to English language only. The databases included in this search are PubMed (NLM), Embase (Elsevier), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Wiley), Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate Analytics), and HealthSTAR (Ovid) using a combination of keywords and subject headings. A grey literature search included Clinical Trials Registry (, WHO ICTRP (, TRIP Pro Database (, and MedRxiv ( All final searches were performed on April 12, 2024 by the librarian and were fully reported on April 18, 2024. The full search strategies as reported by the librarian are provided in Appendix (___). A summary of the search results: PubMed (NLM) from 1809 to 4/12/2024 (200 Results) Embase (Elsevier) from 1974 to 4/12/2024 (458 Results) Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Wiley) from inception to 4/12/2024 (26 Results) Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate Analytics) from 1900 to 4/12/2024 (177 Results) HealthSTAR (Ovid) from 1975 to 4/12/2024 (198 results) Clinical Trials Registry ( from inception to 4/12/2024 (74 Results) WHO ICTRP ( 1900 to 4/12/2024 (4 Results) TRIP Pro Database from 1867 to 4/12/2024 (53 Results) MedRxiv ( from inception to 4/12/2024 (5 results) The search resulted in 1,195 studies. 567 duplicate studies were found and omitted by the librarian (TN) using EndNote 20 following the Wichor Bramer duplicate identification strategy. This resulted in 591 records to screen from databases or registers and 58 records to screen from other methods (websites), resulting in a total of 628 records. Studies were screened by title and abstract by two blinded and independent reviewers. If a tiebreaker was needed, a third reviewer was called in. This process was repeated for full text article screening and article selection.
TMD and Exercise Therapy Scoping Review Search StrategyTo identify studies to include or consider for this [review type] review, the review team worked with a librarian (JB, CE) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-S extension was followed for search reporting. The librarian (JB, CE) developed the search for Pubmed and translated the search for every database searched. The Pubmed search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian (Travis Nace) following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS checklist). The databases included in this search are [list of databases: PubMed (NLM), Embase (Elsevier), Web of Science (Clarivate), Cochrane Central (Cochrane Library), and Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source (EbscoHost) using a combination of keywords and subject headings. A grey literature search included a clinical trials registry (, TRIP Pro Database (https://www-tripdatabase-com), and MedRxiv ( All final searches were performed on [April 9, 2024] by the librarian and were fully reported on [April 9, 2024]. The full search strategies as reported by the librarian are provided in Appendix(___).
Hashimoto’s Disease Systematic Review Search StrategyTo identify studies to include or consider for this systematic review, the review team worked with a librarian (TN) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-S extension was followed for search reporting. The librarian (TN) developed the search for PubMed (NLM) and translated the search for every database searched. The PubMed (NLM) search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian (Sarah Bauman) following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS checklist). The search was limited by date from 1993 to Present and to adults only. The databases included in this search are PubMed (NLM), Embase (Elsevier), Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate Analytics), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Wiley), and CINAHL (Ebscohost) using a combination of keywords and subject headings. A grey literature search included Trip Pro Database ( and MedRxiv ( All final searches were performed on February 16, 2024 by the librarian and were fully reported on February 20, 2024. The full search strategies as reported by the librarian are provided in Appendix(___).
Nerve transfer for restoration of lower motor neuron-lesioned bladder, urethral and anal sphincter function. Part 4: Effectiveness of the motor reinnervationThe original design and necessary modifications of the project plan are as described in part 1 of this series (26). The current study is part 4 of a series reports and results from 30 animals with three main groups (Fig. 1A). The ObNT-ScNT Reinn group consisted of 8 dogs that were in the study a total of 22 months (22 ± 0.4 mo, mean ± SEM, Fig. 1B). At study onset, these ObNT-ScNT Reinn animals functionally decentralized by bilaterally transecting the dorsal roots of L7, all spinal roots caudal to L7, and the hypogastric nerves, followed by a 9-13 mo recovery period (10.4 ± 0.7 mo, Fig. 1C), then reinnervation by transfer of the obturator nerve to the vesical branch of the pelvic nerve, as well as a branch of the sciatic nerve to the pudendal nerve, that was then followed by an additional 8-12 mo recovery (11.9 ± 0.4 mo, Fig. 1C). The Decentralized group consisted of 4 animals that underwent similar decentralization followed by an 11-21 mo recovery (18 ± 2.5 mo, Fig. 1B), but no reinnervation surgeries. Controls consists of 7 sham-operated and 11 unoperated animals (18 total; Fig. 1A).
Performing Spirometry and Low Dose Chest CT to Screen for COPD Systematic Review Search StrategyTo identify studies to include or consider for this systematic review, the review team worked with a librarian (TN) to develop detailed search strategies for each database. The PRISMA-S extension was followed for search reporting. The librarian (TN) developed the search for PubMed (NLM) and translated the search for every database searched. The PubMed (NLM) search strategy was reviewed by the research team to check for accuracy and term relevancy. All final searches were peer-reviewed by another librarian (Jacob Brintzenhoff) following the Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies (PRESS checklist). The databases included in this search are PubMed (NLM), Embase (Elsevier), Cochrane Central (Wiley), CINAHL (EbscoHost), and Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), using a combination of keywords and subject headings. A grey literature search included two clinical trials registries, and WHO ICTRP (, and the pre-print MedRxiv ( The search was limited to English language and to adults. All final searches were performed on November 17, 2023 by the librarian (TN) and were fully reported on November 21, 2023. The full search strategies as reported by the librarian are provided in Appendix(___). They are also archived at [DOI].