Towards a resolution of the proton form factor problem: New electron and positron scattering data
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Adikaram, DRimal, D
Weinstein, LB
Raue, B
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Bennett, RP
Arrington, J
Brooks, WK
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Afanasev, AV
Amaryan, MJ
Anderson, MD
Anefalos Pereira, S
Avakian, H
Ball, J
Battaglieri, M
Bedlinskiy, I
Biselli, AS
Bono, J
Boiarinov, S
Briscoe, WJ
Burkert, VD
Carman, DS
Careccia, S
Celentano, A
Chandavar, S
Charles, G
Colaneri, L
Cole, PL
Contalbrigo, M
Crede, V
D'Angelo, A
Dashyan, N
De Vita, R
De Sanctis, E
Deur, A
Djalali, C
Dodge, GE
Dupre, R
Egiyan, H
El Alaoui, A
El Fassi, L
Elouadrhiri, L
Eugenio, P
Fedotov, G
Fegan, S
Filippi, A
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Fradi, A
Garillon, B
Gilfoyle, GP
Giovanetti, KL
Girod, FX
Goetz, JT
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Griffioen, KA
Guegan, B
Guidal, M
Guo, L
Hafidi, K
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Hattawy, M
Hicks, K
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Hyde, CE
Ilieva, Y
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Jenkins, D
Jiang, H
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Kalantarians, N
Keller, D
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Kim, A
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Klein, A
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Kubarovsky, V
Kuhn, SE
Livingston, K
Lu, HY
MacGregor, IJD
Markov, N
Mattione, P
Mayer, M
McKinnon, B
Mestayer, MD
Meyer, CA
Mirazita, M
Mokeev, V
Montgomery, RA
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© 2015 American Physical Society. There is a significant discrepancy between the values of the proton electric form factor, GEp, extracted using unpolarized and polarized electron scattering. Calculations predict that small two-photon exchange (TPE) contributions can significantly affect the extraction of GEp from the unpolarized electron-proton cross sections. We determined the TPE contribution by measuring the ratio of positron-proton to electron-proton elastic scattering cross sections using a simultaneous, tertiary electron-positron beam incident on a liquid hydrogen target and detecting the scattered particles in the Jefferson Lab CLAS detector. This novel technique allowed us to cover a wide range in virtual photon polarization and momentum transfer (Q2) simultaneously, as well as to cancel luminosity-related systematic errors. The cross section ratio increases with decreasing at Q2=1.45GeV2. This measurement is consistent with the size of the form factor discrepancy at Q2≈1.75GeV2 and with hadronic calculations including nucleon and Δ intermediate states, which have been shown to resolve the discrepancy up to 2-3GeV2.Citation to related work
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