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dc.creatorAdamczyk, L
dc.creatorAdkins, JK
dc.creatorAgakishiev, G
dc.creatorAggarwal, MM
dc.creatorAhammed, Z
dc.creatorAlekseev, I
dc.creatorAparin, A
dc.creatorArkhipkin, D
dc.creatorAschenauer, EC
dc.creatorAverichev, GS
dc.creatorBairathi, V
dc.creatorBanerjee, A
dc.creatorBellwied, R
dc.creatorBhasin, A
dc.creatorBhati, AK
dc.creatorBhattarai, P
dc.creatorBielcik, J
dc.creatorBielcikova, J
dc.creatorBland, LC
dc.creatorBordyuzhin, IG
dc.creatorBouchet, J
dc.creatorBrandin, AV
dc.creatorBunzarov, I
dc.creatorButterworth, J
dc.creatorCaines, H
dc.creatorde la Barca Sánchez, MC
dc.creatorCampbell, JM
dc.creatorCebra, D
dc.creatorCervantes, MC
dc.creatorChakaberia, I
dc.creatorChaloupka, P
dc.creatorChang, Z
dc.creatorChattopadhyay, S
dc.creatorChen, JH
dc.creatorChen, X
dc.creatorCheng, J
dc.creatorCherney, M
dc.creatorChristie, W
dc.creatorContin, G
dc.creatorCrawford, HJ
dc.creatorDas, S
dc.creatorDe Silva, LC
dc.creatorDebbe, RR
dc.creatorDedovich, TG
dc.creatorDeng, J
dc.creatorDerevschikov, AA
dc.creatorDi Ruzza, B
dc.creatorDidenko, L
dc.creatorDilks, C
dc.creatorDong, X
dc.creatorDrachenberg, JL
dc.creatorDraper, JE
dc.creatorDu, CM
dc.creatorDunkelberger, LE
dc.creatorDunlop, JC
dc.creatorEfimov, LG
dc.creatorEngelage, J
dc.creatorEppley, G
dc.creatorEsha, R
dc.creatorEvdokimov, O
dc.creatorEyser, O
dc.creatorFatemi, R
dc.creatorFazio, S
dc.creatorFederic, P
dc.creatorFedorisin, J
dc.creatorFeng, Z
dc.creatorFilip, P
dc.creatorFisyak, Y
dc.creatorFlores, CE
dc.creatorFulek, L
dc.creatorGagliardi, CA
dc.creatorGarand, D
dc.creatorGeurts, F
dc.creatorGibson, A
dc.creatorGirard, M
dc.creatorGreiner, L
dc.creatorGrosnick, D
dc.creatorGunarathne, DS
dc.creatorGuo, Y
dc.creatorGupta, S
dc.creatorGupta, A
dc.creatorGuryn, W
dc.creatorHamad, A
dc.creatorHamed, A
dc.creatorHaque, R
dc.creatorHarris, JW
dc.creatorHe, L
dc.creatorHeppelmann, S
dc.creatorHeppelmann, S
dc.creatorHirsch, A
dc.creatorHoffmann, GW
dc.creatorHofman, DJ
dc.creatorHorvat, S
dc.creatorHuang, X
dc.creatorHuang, B
dc.creatorHuang, HZ
dc.creatorHuck, P
dc.creatorHumanic, TJ
dc.creatorIgo, G
dc.creatorJacobs, WW
dc.identifier.otherDD2GI (isidoc)
dc.identifier.other26918982 (pubmed)
dc.description.abstract© 2016 American Physical Society. We present high precision measurements of elliptic flow near midrapidity (|y|<1.0) for multistrange hadrons and φ meson as a function of centrality and transverse momentum in Au+Au collisions at center of mass energy sNN=200 GeV. We observe that the transverse momentum dependence of φ and Ω v2 is similar to that of π and p, respectively, which may indicate that the heavier strange quark flows as strongly as the lighter up and down quarks. This observation constitutes a clear piece of evidence for the development of partonic collectivity in heavy-ion collisions at the top RHIC energy. Number of constituent quark scaling is found to hold within statistical uncertainty for both 0%-30% and 30%-80% collision centrality. There is an indication of the breakdown of previously observed mass ordering between φ and proton v2 at low transverse momentum in the 0%-30% centrality range, possibly indicating late hadronic interactions affecting the proton v2.
dc.relation.haspartPhysical Review Letters
dc.relation.isreferencedbyAmerican Physical Society (APS)
dc.subjectSTAR Collaboration
dc.titleCentrality and Transverse Momentum Dependence of Elliptic Flow of Multistrange Hadrons and φ Meson in Au+Au Collisions at sNN =200 GeV
dc.type.genreJournal Article
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