Azimuthal Harmonics in Small and Large Collision Systems at RHIC Top Energies
Adam, JAdamczyk, L
Adams, JR
Adkins, JK
Agakishiev, G
Aggarwal, MM
Ahammed, Z
Alekseev, I
Anderson, DM
Aoyama, R
Aparin, A
Arkhipkin, D
Aschenauer, EC
Ashraf, MU
Atetalla, F
Attri, A
Averichev, GS
Bai, X
Bairathi, V
Barish, K
Bassill, AJ
Behera, A
Bellwied, R
Bhasin, A
Bhati, AK
Bielcik, J
Bielcikova, J
Bland, LC
Bordyuzhin, IG
Brandenburg, JD
Brandin, AV
Brown, D
Bryslawskyj, J
Bunzarov, I
Butterworth, J
Caines, H
Calderón De La Barca Sánchez, M
Cebra, D
Chakaberia, I
Chaloupka, P
Chan, BK
Chang, FH
Chang, Z
Chankova-Bunzarova, N
Chatterjee, A
Chattopadhyay, S
Chen, JH
Chen, X
Chen, X
Cheng, J
Cherney, M
Christie, W
Contin, G
Crawford, HJ
Csanad, M
Das, S
Dedovich, TG
Deppner, IM
Derevschikov, AA
Didenko, L
Dilks, C
Dong, X
Drachenberg, JL
Dunlop, JC
Efimov, LG
Elsey, N
Engelage, J
Eppley, G
Esha, R
Esumi, S
Evdokimov, O
Ewigleben, J
Eyser, O
Fatemi, R
Fazio, S
Federic, P
Federicova, P
Fedorisin, J
Filip, P
Finch, E
Fisyak, Y
Flores, CE
Fulek, L
Gagliardi, CA
Galatyuk, T
Geurts, F
Gibson, A
Grosnick, D
Gunarathne, DS
Guo, Y
Gupta, A
Guryn, W
Hamad, AI
Hamed, A
Harlenderova, A
Harris, JW
He, L
Heppelmann, S
Heppelmann, S
Herrmann, N
STAR CollaborationPermanent link to this record
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© 2019 American Physical Society. The first (v1fluc), second (v2), and third (v3) harmonic coefficients of the azimuthal particle distribution at midrapidity are extracted for charged hadrons and studied as a function of transverse momentum (pT) and mean charged particle multiplicity density Nch in U+U (sNN=193 GeV), Au+Au, Cu+Au, Cu+Cu, d+Au, and p+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV with the STAR detector. For the same Nch, the v1fluc and v3 coefficients are observed to be independent of the collision system, while v2 exhibits such a scaling only when normalized by the initial-state eccentricity (μ2). The data also show that ln(v2/μ2) scales linearly with Nch-1/3. These measurements provide insight into initial-geometry fluctuations and the role of viscous hydrodynamic attenuation on vn from small to large collision systems.Citation to related work
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