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dc.creatorArchin, N.
dc.creatorBar, K.J.
dc.creatorBurdo, Tricia
dc.creatorCaskey, M.
dc.creatorChahroudi, A.
dc.creatorFarzan, M.
dc.creatorHo, Y.-C.
dc.creatorJones, R.B.
dc.creatorKearney, Mary
dc.creatorKuritzkes, D.
dc.creatorMargolis, D.
dc.creatorMartinez-Picado, J.
dc.creatorOkoye, A.
dc.creatorSalgado, M.
dc.creatorStevenson, Mario
dc.identifier.citationN. Archin, K.J. Bar, T. Burdo, M. Caskey, A. Chahroudi, M. Farzan, Y.-C. Ho, R.B. Jones, Mary Kearney, D. Kuritzkes, D. Margolis, J. Martinez-Picado, A. Okoye, M. Salgado, Mario Stevenson, Highlights from the Tenth International Workshop on HIV Persistence during Therapy, December 13-16, 2022, Miami, Florida-USA, Journal of Virus Eradication, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2023, 100315, ISSN 2055-6640, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jve.2023.100315.
dc.description.abstractThe International Workshop on HIV Persistence during Therapy provides a forum in which HIV/AIDS researchers gather to share the latest research findings related to viral reservoirs and cure. The Tenth Workshop, which was attended by over 400 delegates, extended over 4 days and comprised eight sessions covering topics from the basic science of viral persistence to therapeutic approaches to HIV cure. Furthermore, satellite sessions on the first day of the Conference featuring cure research endeavours being pursued by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well as those being coordinated under the National Institutes of Health Martin Delaney Collaboratory program, provided important updates on research advances being made in these initiatives. As with previous conferences, the International Workshop on HIV Persistence during Therapy is primarily abstract-driven with only one invited talk for each of the sessions. This format, therefore, increases the number of presentations from early-stage investigators. Furthermore, presentations by Community representatives illustrated approaches to creating cure research literacy with effective messaging for the Community. The following article offers a synopsis of the meeting sessions. Due to space constraints, some presentations may have only been briefly discussed. Nevertheless, the Workshop abstracts can be found online (https://www/sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-virus-eradication/vol/8/suppl/S).
dc.format.extent11 pages
dc.relation.ispartofFaculty/ Researcher Works
dc.relation.haspartJournal of Virus Eradication, Vol. 9, Iss. 1
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
dc.subjectHIV cure
dc.subjectHIV eradication
dc.subjectHIV functional Cure
dc.subjectHIV persistence
dc.subjectHIV reservoirs
dc.titleHighlights from the Tenth International Workshop on HIV Persistence during Therapy, December 13-16, 2022, Miami, Florida-USA
dc.type.genreJournal article
dc.description.departmentMicrobiology, Immunology and Inflammation
dc.ada.noteFor Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodation, including help with reading this content, please contact scholarshare@temple.edu
dc.description.schoolcollegeLewis Katz School of Medicine
dc.temple.creatorBurdo, T.

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