Intro music plays. Onscreen text reads: "Gratis! A flipped-classroom and active learning approach to Italian" Footage transitions to a picture of two people sitting on a bench. Onscreen text reads: "Le presentazioni. Unita' preliminare" Footage transitions to a green lawn outside of a museum and zooms in on two people throwing a ball back and forth to each other. With each throw they take turns calling out a letter of the Italian alphabet. Person 1 and 2: "A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V Z A B C D E F G" Footage zooms in on Eileen and Andrew sitting on a nearby bench. One is eating and orange and the other is reading a book as they watch the game and laugh about it together. Andrew: "Ma questi sono pazzi!" Eileen: "Ma no, imparano l'italiano. Tu parli italiano?" Andrew: "Sì certo parlo italiano molto bene. Ciao come ti chiami?" Eileen: "Eileen e tu?" Andrew: "Andrew, piacere." Andrew and Eileen shake hands. Eileen: "Piacere mio come stai?" Andrew: "Molto bene grazie e tu come stai?" Eileen: "Così così... sono un po stanca." Andrew: "Perché sei stanca?" Eileen: "Studio troppo e dormo poco..." Footage transitions to the two people throwing a ball back and forth to each other. With each throw they take turns counting in Italian. Person 1 and 2: "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20" Footage transitions back to Eileen and Andrew sitting on the nearby bench. Andrew: "Loro non sembrano stanchi! Cosa studi qui a Roma?" Eileen: "Studio per un semestre arte, letteratura e italiano. E tu?" Andrew: "Io studio solo italiano e storia dell'arte. E di ove sei?" Eileen: "Io sono di Filadelfia, e tu?" Andrew: "Sono anche io di Filadelfia. Studio qui a Temple Roma. Ho 25 anni e tu?" Eileen: "Io ho 21 anni. E a Roma lavori?" A woman walks by Eileen and Andrew and greets Andrew. Woman: "Buongiorno Andrew! Ci vediamo dentro, eh!" Andrew: "Buongiorno signora! Si, lei è il mio capo. Lavoro part time in questo museo insegno inglese ai bambini." Eileen: "Che bello!" Andrew: "Hai tempo per entrare e fare una visita?" Eileen: "Sì grazie!" Andrew: "Prego, figurati!" A ball is thrown at Eileen and Andrew and startles them both. Andrew: "Oddio! Andiamo, andiamo!" Eileen and Andrew get up and quickly walk away from the bench. Outro music plays. Onscreen text reads: "Temple University Rome Campus" Music and shot fade out. End.